Left Populism, Why Not? (part two)
Why does the Left pretend to be populist? The Populist Moment cites three reasons. Each reason flags something big that the Left can and should change.

Left Populism, Why Not? (part one)
Borriello and Jager’s The Populist Moment explains brilliantly how and why the Left in rich states has decided to pretend to be populist.

Trump’s First Impeachment: What Not To Repeat the Second Time
The first impeachment hearings failed to persuade TV viewers that Trump should be removed. To defend against a real threat to American democracy, Democrats could have barnstormed the country, but they feared being seen as agitators.

Could Jeremy Corbyn Have Beaten Boris the Actual Incompetent One?
Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn revived the hopes of many people who had given up much hope for real leftward change through electoral politics. On June 8 2017, the Corbyn-led British Labour Party defied the odds and won 40% of the vote, raising hopes for a Left breakthrough. On December 12 2019, Boris Johnson ‘s Conservatives crushed Corbyn and Labour with the slogan “Get Brexit Done”. Was Corbyn’s loss avoidable? Why did he lose?