The Second Impeachment Has Mortally Wounded Trump
Donald Trump has been mortally wounded by the 2nd impeachment trial. But the danger to democracy persists. A 'new constitution' campaign might help fix that.
Why Do People Believe Conspiracy Theories?
Did someone close to you ever believe a conspiracy theory, like the ‘stolen election’ one that incited January 6? Psychologists explain why, in Thomas B Edsall’s column.
Will a Domestic Terrorism Law Prevent Future Capitol Invasions?
Many liberals echo the FBI’s call for a domestic terrorism law, to prevent another January 6. Be careful what you wish for.
Liberal Democracy, Populism and the January 6 Capitol Putsch
What is liberal democracy? The January 6 Capitol invaders claimed that a liberal establishment had stolen it from them.
Trump’s First Impeachment: What Not To Repeat the Second Time
The first impeachment hearings failed to persuade TV viewers that Trump should be removed. To defend against a real threat to American democracy, Democrats could have barnstormed the country, but they feared being seen as agitators.
How to Use Left Populism to Win a Post-Work Economy
Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams have published a must-read book, Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (Verso, 2015, 2nd ed 2016) that makes new proposals for a long-haul strategy of building the preconditions for a postcapitalist social system.